Our Midwest division based in West Frankfort Illinois focuses on the mining industry, but also provides products and services for the municipal and industrial market clients. We offer:

  • Automated pH Control Chemicals and Feed Equipment Systems
  • Underground Respriable Dust Suppression Programs
  • Freeze Control/Conditioning Systems
  • Proprietary Coagulants
  • Pond Curtains
  • Antimicrobial and Algae Control
  • Heavy Metals Precipitation
  • Bleach Programs

Water Treatment pH Control, Sediment Control, and Outfall Compliance Treatment Programs
Our lab support conducted by experienced personnel allows us to provide you with the most cost/effective treatment solutions for your process. Chemstream will perform a no-cost system evaluation and provide recommendations to resolve your water treatment situations that enable you to be in compliance at the lowest possible cost.

Water source/quality - Underground or mine pool water is generally oxygen-depleted and contains high levels of dissolved carbon dioxide, which increases acidity, lowers pH, and increases chemical demand. This situation increases the concentration of dissolved metals in your water sources. We will analyze and propose the best treatment options for outfall compliance.

Aeration - Water with elevated levels of carbon dioxide acidity will benefit by aeration prior to chemical treatment. Off gassing the carbon dioxide will reduce the acidity of the water, thus reducing the consumption of alkaline pH treatment chemicals.

Treatment - Chemstream can supply liquid caustic soda at various concentrations as an alkaline treatment choice to effectively raise pH to achieve effluent compliance. Chemstream also has a full line of flocculants and coagulants that can aid in the removal of suspended metals and/or clays. These products will increase floc size thus decreasing settling time allowing for a cleaner discharge.

Retention - Maximizing the surface area of a pond to increase the retention time of the water will allow for lower contaminates in the discharge. Chemstream can provide pond partitions/curtains custom built and sized for your pond. Using pond curtains will also decrease the dissipation energy of the water allowing the floc to grow larger and entrain more particulate upon sedimentation.

Monitoring - Chemstream installs and maintains state-of-the-art monitoring systems that utilize pH sensors, PLC's, and wireless router modems that allow the pH and other parameters to be viewed remotely on your computer. In addition, our system can increase or decrease the chemical feed rates as the flow rate of the water varies. This promotes consistent water treatment results and clarified water that is in compliance all at lower treatment economics.

Freeze Conditioning
Chemstream can provide a complete system audit and recommend proprietary (Freeze Free and Atomic Heat) and commodity chemicals (Calcium Chloride and Rock Salt) and product delivery and feed systems to meet your specific needs.

FreezeFree System
The fully adjustable FreezeFree system utilizes patented anti-icing chemicals with an effective, yet cost-efficient pumping module which allows your conveyer system to operate properly during the harshest weather conditions.
The system includes spray nozzles that can be mounted downward on a belt tail or upward against the underside of the belt. The control module's remote thermocouple regulates the pump to ensure an accurate disbursement of anti-icing solution. The system is also automatically controlled on and off based on predetermined temperatures. These features ultimately save you chemical and manpower costs.

Chemstream has a complete line of solvents that can be provided at the lowest cost in bulk tankers for the automotive and general industry needs.

Our service and delivery team are experienced and well-rounded and have backgrounds in the coal mining industry, trucking logistics, quarries, municipal and industrial, heavy equipment operation, engineering, and mechanical applications.

Chemstream Midwest also has its own transportation fleet including six tanker trucks, a box truck, and several flatbed trailers so we don’t have to third-party any of our products. We deliver to Southern and Central Illinois, Southern Indiana, West Kentucky, Southeast Missouri, and as far south as Central Alabama.

Contact us today at 618-932-9304 for more information on how we can meet your specific needs.